Thursday, December 13, 2012

Imagination VS Reality: Christmas Edition!

Every child's eyes light up when you mention the word: Christmas. Associated with toys, gifts, food, and family, Christmas seems to be everybody's favorite time of year. For young children, Christmas means the coming of Santa.

"Hello, this is Santa, what would you like for Christmas?.....
Unless you're on the naughty list, then you're getting coal"
Parents allow children to believe in Santa, when in reality they're the ones who place the toys under the Christmas tree. Why? The answer lies in the reward. Believing in this magical man, flying all around the world in one night, delivering toys to those who made the nice list can definitely foster a child's imagination. This can be turned into a lesson- the real meaning of Christmas. Morals and life lessons can be taught, as well as awakening gratitude and the act of giving in kids. Although learning of Santa's true story might be a little hard, the lessons learned from such a magical story stick with them forever.

Some children might take it very hard when they find YOU eating Santa's Oreos....

Some children might not even choose to believe you, and then accuse you of stealing Santa's cookies...

 Have a laugh: Trololol :)

Want to read more on the level of meaning of Santa Claus, as well as how he came to be? Click here to read more!