Thursday, December 13, 2012

Imagination VS Reality: Christmas Edition!

Every child's eyes light up when you mention the word: Christmas. Associated with toys, gifts, food, and family, Christmas seems to be everybody's favorite time of year. For young children, Christmas means the coming of Santa.

"Hello, this is Santa, what would you like for Christmas?.....
Unless you're on the naughty list, then you're getting coal"
Parents allow children to believe in Santa, when in reality they're the ones who place the toys under the Christmas tree. Why? The answer lies in the reward. Believing in this magical man, flying all around the world in one night, delivering toys to those who made the nice list can definitely foster a child's imagination. This can be turned into a lesson- the real meaning of Christmas. Morals and life lessons can be taught, as well as awakening gratitude and the act of giving in kids. Although learning of Santa's true story might be a little hard, the lessons learned from such a magical story stick with them forever.

Some children might take it very hard when they find YOU eating Santa's Oreos....

Some children might not even choose to believe you, and then accuse you of stealing Santa's cookies...

 Have a laugh: Trololol :)

Want to read more on the level of meaning of Santa Claus, as well as how he came to be? Click here to read more!

Monday, October 15, 2012

RIP Chris Valdes, Coral Reef Senior

      On Friday, loved Coral Reef Senior Christopher Valdes died from bacterial meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes in the brain and spinal cord. This inflammation can cause severe mental confusion, stiffness of the neck, severe headache, and nausea. When tissues around the brain swell up, they press against certain areas of the brain, which control bodily functions and alter judgement and affect thought processes. Blood flow is greatly restricted. This may result in paralysis or even stroke. While some survive meningitis, they often end up with learning disabilities. Unfortunately for Chris, at the young age of 18, and his family, this was not so. Authorities have revealed that this case is in no way related to the larger, nationwide outbreak of fungal meningitis.
     Our sincerest condolences to Chris, his family, friends, and all of his Cuda family who are mourning for him. You will be missed.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mass Murderers: Clinically Depressed

        For friends and families of victims of the Colorado theatre shooting, it is still very unclear as to why their innocent loved ones are gone. Most of us can agree that the killers have some degree of psychological problems. However, most of us think that its some high level of schizophrenia or psychosis. This is because most of us think that schizophrenics mumble nonsense and are driven to kill people for no apparent reason...this is not exactly true. Various types of schizophrenia are characterized by hallucinations, delusions of grandeur,  and lack of emotion. Although killers may have some of these characteristics, they are not really diagnosed with schizophrenia...more like depression. According to Sigmund Freud, our adult lives and emotions are affected by early childhood experiences. Perhaps these killers had some emotional trauma in their youth, while their mind was still developing? THis would've driven them slightly insane from the beginning, although it may not have been visible until their early adulthood. Studies show that those responsible for mass murders feel "frustrated with life's disappointments." Most of them also isolate themselves from friends and family, showing that they might also have some social disorder. Because they isolate themselves from people, the comfort that they would've otherwise received from friends and family that would've helped deal with the frustrations is basically nonexistent. 
          "They see themselves as the victim of undeserved mistreatment and unfairness" says James Alan Fox from USA Today. To them, mass killings are just a way of letting out their anger and frustration on the "corrupt society" that is supposedly responsible for their misfortune. Most are prepared to die, thinking that their lives are meaningless, so long as they receive payback for their horrible life. 
        Fortunately, further research is being done to help treat or prevent the onset of mental disorders that are characteristic of killers. For now, we can only mourn for the dead and hope for the living, especially those living in deep depression, such as the one responsible for the 12 dead and 58 injured at a shooting at the midnight premiere of the Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado. 

By Ted S. Warren, AP
Esmeralda Carbajal lights candles at a growing memorial across the street from the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colo.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Will those brave soldiers who fought in Vietnam return home with only physical injuries? Most of us already know of the mental effects of that a war can have on the fragile human condition. The United States government had thus far provided treatment for these soldiers, but in an attempt to deliver treatment for as many people as possible, government officials missed a few critical steps in the recuperation process. "Assessment and monitoring" is not carried out properly, and so there is a high chance that many patients did not fully recover, and their disorder will come back to haunt them, perhaps in a dream or in a vivid flashback, stimulated by a loud noise or a specific object, such as a gun. The year 2014 should bring the completion of a better PTSD treatment plan, which includes more health care providers, and a variety of new techniques that may aide in the treatment of PTSD.